Tag: Scat

Lesbian Scat Porn Movies

Big butt lesbians eating shit and swallowing poop. Panty pooping fart eating and pee drinking vomit swallowing whores.Our newest arrivals More new products Dora The Scat Explorer Pt. 2 Wonder Woman (Scat Eating Super Power) Angie’s After Class Scat Smear Angie Scat Solo supersluts2118142221525817201181551213181615 No Testimonials published yet.

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Big Butt Lesbian Scat Porn hot bitches eating shit and cumming and swallowing big loads of poop. Scathunter the internets best big booty scat porn site #1 for farts ass and shit

This week’s popular products Dora The Scat Explorer Pt. 2 Wonder Woman (Scat Eating Super Power) Angie’s After Class Scat SmearBig Butt Lesbian Scat Porn hot bitches eating shit and cumming and swallowing big loads of poop. Scathunter the internets best big booty scat porn site #1 for farts ass and shit

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Scat Fetish Scat Porn Movies

Girls Farting and shitting into each others mouths. Porn with lots of poop and lesbians eating poop and pooping into each others mouths. Lots of pissing into mouths and vomiting into each others mouths as well. Eating puke and drinking piss and urine and pee. Throwing up into girls mouths. Cumming and eating shit. Lots of farting into girls mouths and woman eating vomit and puke and swallowing big loads of each others scat and shit. Scathunter provides big butt girls who are so hot with huge asses and big booties shitting into each others mouths and having massive orgasms. Lesbians scat whores swallow loads of scat and cum super hard for Scathunter. Mr cheeks is a scat producer of filth and disgusting porn for lesbian whores to eat shit and cum. This week’s popular products Dora The Scat Explorer Pt. 2 Wonder Woman (Scat Eating Super Power) Angie’s After Class Scat Smear 31711913IMG_579810201225IMG_728813

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2 Girls 1 Cup Trailer

Scathunter has way better scat content https://2girls1cup.ca: 2 Girls 1 Cup Trailer

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Lesbian Scat Bitches

supersluts2118142221525817201181551213181615 This week’s popular products Dora The Scat Explorer Pt. 2 Wonder Woman (Scat Eating Super Power) Angie’s After Class Scat SmearOur newest arrivals More new products Dora The Scat Explorer Pt. 2 Wonder Woman (Scat Eating Super Power) Angie’s After Class Scat Smear Angie Scat Solo Dora The Scat Explorer Pt. 2 Read more Wonder Woman (Scat Eating Super Power) Read more Angie’s After Class Scat Smear Read more Angie Scat Solo Read more Dora The Scat Explorer (Angie And Dora) Read more Director’s Cut (Behind The Scenes Pt 2) Read more Modern Whorefare Pt#2 (Advanced Scat Training) Read more Girls Only Scat Party Pt.2 (Stephanie Submits) Read more Mia’s Scat Academy (Swallowing lessons-Spit, Shit, Piss,Puke) Read more No Testimonials published yet. 31711913IMG_579810201225IMG_728813

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Scat Dating Find Scat Girls Local

When You Actually Find A Scat Girl To Date (True Story) This Is How It Goes DownApril 22, 2024 6:18PMSo, since I’m basically anonymous (and even if you found out who I was, I don’t care anymore at this point in life), I want to share with you a story about how I met the girl I’m with now. She’s officially my first ever regular supplier of scat. Now, don’t get me wrong it took a lot of time to find a scat girl to date but even when she was open with the idea, the fact we didn’t live together made it really hard to time her shitting with my needing it. I give her the same outlets but she’s pretty set on having good, regular sex. Me on the other hand, I’m a different story.She’s a shy girl who over thinks everything about shit and piss. She’s been pissing for me in glass jars, shitting for me and leaving it in the toilet and yeah, she doesn’t get a period so she can’t leave me tampons or pads and she doesn’t vomit. So I literally take what she can give me.She lives with me now, which meant that she was able to comfortably shit or piss and have me able to retrieve it in a fair amount of time. Yup, even shit that sits in water gets very loose and loses it’s appeal.But yes, scat girls are merely unicorns and regular girls who give you the time of day will likely appease to your needs, even if it’s simply by not flushing the toilet.So I’ve retrieved shit from the toilet about 5 (I believe) times now in the last two months. She tends to use the bathroom in the morning. I am a shit eater, however you wouldn’t know about my kinks unless I tell you. I pride myself in being clean except when it comes to having an orgasm.I can’t tell ya if I like what she leaves behind for me is good tasting because it’s actually a good “present” or because it’s simply FROM HER. Either way, I like it enough to actually swallow it. Sometimes I video tape myself doing it. Other times I just go about my business. Lately it’s been hot taking hers and merging it with mine. Sometimes I like the taste of both combined together. Sometimes I take it a step further and blow my load on my hand drip my cum in my mouth and mix all three into a HER shit, my shit and cum concoction.She’s a great girl actually, we bode well together and she lets me be sexually freeSo that’s not bad eh? It would interesting to try some of her harder shits, which I haven’t had yet but this was good enough considering we haven’t done this very long. Knowing it came from her and what she ate is like the ultimate connection for me. ??So one before I continue I need to stress that scat dating sites DO work to find scat singles, but sometimes you just have to take a chance with a normal girl like I did and meet them using Tinder / POFSlowly, I’m hoping to get her comfortable enough to piss in front of me (edit: this happened this morning!) and shit in front of me. She’s starting to fart in front of me which means things are moving along nicely. I just want her to realize I want this more than ever.It would be hot to smear shit all over her tits and body. We’ve done a drunken night once where she doesn’t remember exactly how it went down but she made out with league Website me with shit in our mouths. Anyways, I’m hoping to keep pushing the limits and have her realize this is like the ultimate turn on.https://www.tiktok.com/@elobaker/video/7205509394648272130: Scat Dating Find Scat Girls Local

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Lesbian big butt Scat porn movies

Lesbian big butt Scat porn movies at Scathunter.com. The hottest babes with the biggest asses spread there cheeks and fart and poop into each others mouth! You can now watch hot lesbians drink diarrhea and piss and Puke and cum hard! Scathunter is the internets best big booty scat porn site #1 you won’t find big butt lesbians as hot as these eating scat and actually swallowing it and cumming yes real cum! Scathunter produces the internets best scat porn on earth! Biggest butts hottest asses. Scathunter Our newest arrivals More new products Dora The Scat Explorer Pt. 2 Wonder Woman (Scat Eating Super Power) Angie’s After Class Scat Smear Angie Scat Solo This week’s popular products Dora The Scat Explorer Pt. 2 Wonder Woman (Scat Eating Super Power) Angie’s After Class Scat Smear

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Scathunter on The Porn Guy best scat porn movies!!!

Are you a Scat Hunter? I don’t mean to draw conclusions or anything, but the reason I ask is because I noticed the dirty sanchez and the powerful aroma of human fecal matter. Some might call it a major turn off, but you aren’t the same some, now are you? No, that porta-john fragrance is more enticing to you than any bouquet of flowers, freshly laundered sheet or fine cigar that hasn’t yet been in somebody’s unwashed asshole after a bout of thin and soupy diarrhea.Well, I’ve got good news and bad news for you, poopy. The bad news is that while VR has come a long way, they still haven’t figured out how to send the smell of shit through the tubes that comprise the Internet. The good news is that ScatHunter.com has a shit-ton of shit porn movies for sale.Yeah, you read that right: this isn’t some hole-in-wall free scat tube full of shitty content and low-res bullshit. This is a full-on professional scat porn outfit by perverts who love shit as much as you do. Sometimes you end up fighting over scraps when it comes to fetish content on the free sites, but the fact that there’s any money behind this should mean the overall quality is better than you’re used to when it comes to poo. Let’s find out, shall we?How Much Scat Could a Scat Hunter Hunt?ScatHunter obviously isn’t your typical porn site. The very first image I saw was a babe catching a turd with her open mouth, which is a little bit different from the typical mouthfuls of sperm you see in most fuck flicks. Do you know what caught my eye right away, though? That poop-eating girl is fucking hot! I flipped through the header images and the quality of the girls remained pretty fucking consistent. These are definitely some of the hottest women I’ve seen in scat movies.Deep-niche fetish porn is often full of ugly chicks and junkies hard up for cash, and that’s what I was expecting when I saw the domain name. You can see the Scat Hunter’s personal preferences at play here, and while he and I feel differently about getting a thick log of poopoo extruded into our faces, I sure can’t say anything bad about his taste in women. He’s got some nice-looking ebony chicks, Latinas, mixed exotic beauties and white girls.ScatHunter’s also got a serious preference for big asses. The puckered buttholes pooping all over the bed and into each other’s mouths are all centered between some beautiful, lovely round ass cheeks. If you prefer your scat with some extra junk in the trunk, you’re going to love this (literal) shit. I have to wonder how ass size correlates to colon size; can these girls hold more Hershey squirts than your typical skinny pornstar?I keep referring to ScatHunter as a dude and not a group or whole production company. Maybe it’s just because of the clever name chosen for the website, but it also has a very personal feel. For one thing, there’s a lot of consistency in the feel and tone of all the big-butt poopy thumbnails I see all over the screen.There’s also a certain amateurish quality to some elements of the web design. The focus here is much more on the scat videos themselves than the presentation. I don’t mean this as necessarily a bad thing, as you definitely want your fetish porn to be produced by fans of the material. Whoever’s running ScatHunter.com, they clearly love seeing pretty girls release their bowels and playing with the ensuing mess. The whole site’s a real labor of shitty love.Dry Cleaners Love Him, Motels Hate HimScatHunter.com is currently hyping a featured film called Modern Whorefare Pt #2 (Advanced Scat Training). I guess that explains the camo bandana and face paint on that sexy chick about to eat the caca straight from the faucet. There’s a small gallery of thumbnails at the top of the landing page, giving you a small taste. Spoiler alert: it tastes like fucking shit, but not like it does at Denny’s. No, at Scat Hunter, it tastes like fucking shit in the best way imaginable.So what kind of training takes place in Modern Whorefare’s exciting second installment? Well, there’s a couple of thicc, sexy mamas fondling and licking each other’s half-naked bodies in a few of the stills, but those have got to be the very beginning of the movie because they ain’t covered in mud yet. The other screengrabs show them eating chocolate soft serve straight from the dispenser, opening shit-smeared mouths wide for more, covering their faces in the stuff and almost certainly ruining those sheets forever. The girls do try to help clean up, though, slurping brown butt water off the plastic laid down to protect the security deposit.One image shows a gorgeous woman with her legs spread and liquid doodoo all over herself and her immediate environment. She’s going to town with a big fucking dildo gripped in her Nutella-coated hands, spraying some kind of fluid from her genital area. Since it’s an action screengrab, I can’t tell if it’s piss, squirt, or a fine of mist of crystal clear asswater. I guess you’ll have to watch it and find out!Hunting Scat So You Don’t Have ToI think the biggest complaint most of you are going to have is the typical lament of premium porno: it costs money. It’s the same worldwide, no matter what kind of pervert you are or what you’re into. Whether you like seeing MILFs giving blowjobs, Asians doing threesomes, or thick-booty ethnic girls dropping deuces straight into each other’s mouths, the good stuff always costs money.And unfortunately, those of you with a fetish already know you’re probably going to pay more than you would for a teen striptease or premium reality porn network. Modern Whorefare runs just under twenty minutes, but the instant download will cost you nearly as much as a typical paysite subscription.Fetish producers will often charge more just because they know you’ll pay for it. If there isn’t much of the content you love on the market, you’ll settle for whatever you can find, at whatever price you can get. With ScatHunter.com, I don’t get the sense that they’re gouging their customers. You can tell from the caliber of the performers alone that the production values are […]

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Scathunter Scat Porn Big Butted girls eating shit

supersluts2118142221525817201181551213181615 Scathunter: The Internets Best Big Butt Scat Porn Site #1

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Lesbian scat porn movies

welcome to Scathunter the internets best lesbian big butt scat porn site #1!!! Here you will find girls shitting and pooping into each others mouths and swallowing massive loads of delicious scat! You won’t find prettier girls with bigger butts anywhere else on earth! Scathunter is the internets and worlds best lesbian scat porn site. Be prepared for nut draining content! Panty poop, scat eating, girls pooping, guys eating poop, girls smearing scat, farting, vomit, puking, puke eating, piss drinking and pee swallowing!!! Scathunter has the best scat porn!!! This week’s popular products Dora The Scat Explorer Pt. 2 Wonder Woman (Scat Eating Super Power) Angie’s After Class Scat Smear

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