Dora The Scat Explorer (Angie And Dora) Read more Director’s Cut (Behind The Scenes Pt 2) Read more Modern Whorefare Pt#2 (Advanced Scat Training) Read more Girls Only Scat Party Pt.2 (Stephanie Submits) Read more Mia’s Scat Academy (Swallowing lessons-Spit, Shit, Piss,Puke) Read more Vulgar Valentine (Helga Eats Shit) Read more Depraved Maids (Forced To Eat Shit) Michelle’s Hell Read more Animal Instinks (Imani Vs Stephanie) Featuring Helga Read more Scathunter Premium Telegram Group Read more What Is a Scat Fetish? Inside the Sex Lives of People Turned on by Poop.“There’s something quite freeing about being able to do this with a partner. It’s a way of letting go of shame.”BY ABBY MOSSPUBLISHED: JUL 12, 2022SAVE ARTICLEVADIMGUZHVATHE WORLD of kink stretches pretty much as far as the human imagination. There’s a phrase if you can think it, you can kink it, and shows like Netflix’s Bonding (penguin role play, anyone?) have definitely shown us that this is true. But there’s one kink that’s considered taboo even to some of the freakiest kinksters: Scat, or coprophilia, is a fetish for poop. “Scat” is short for “scatology,” an archaic medical termfor anything poop-related, which takes its origins from the Greek word “skat,” which means dung.Advertisement – Continue Reading Below Poop is usually one thing people try to keep as far away from their sex lives as possible, whether that means douching before anal sex, or just being a shy pooper in a new partner’s apartment. But there are plenty of people who view this kink as the ultimate thrill. Scat fetishists enjoy bringing poop into sexual play in a variety of possible ways, such as watching someone take a dump and touching, spreading, or even consuming poop. [Note: Touching and consuming poop can lead to a number of dangerous health consequences. Men’s Healthdoes not endorse any of the behaviors described in this article.]“This kink is almost as extreme as it gets,” says Gigi Engle, certified sex educator for 3Fun and author of All the F*cking Mistakes. “Even in the kink community, an already marginalized community in itself, people who are into this are marginalized further. Even the most sex-positive people—people who don’t believe in shaming others—will think scat is disgusting, and say so.”MORE FROM MEN’S HEALTHKing Combs Shows Off His Gym & FridgePauseUnmuteKing Combs Shows Off His Gym & FridgeWhat they might not realize is that the scat fetish is similar to other forms of humiliation and submission play, Engle says. Humiliation can be a turn-on because the receiver has to completely relinquish control, which can be a great release. It’s also thought that humiliation could be the single most intense human emotion, and that it stimulates the same parts of the brain as physical pain. Experiencing extreme feelings, including pain, can help people to “lose themselves” in the moment and let go of whatever day-to-day worries might be on their mind during sex. Advertisement – Continue Reading BelowRELATED STORIESTikTok’s ‘Kink Test’ Will Reveal Your Sexy Desires The 24 Best BDSM Toys to Kink Up Your Bedroom What It’s Like to Have a Kink for BloodA more common form of erotic humiliation involving bodily fluids is “watersports,” or sexual play involving urine, which 32% of men have fantasized about. “Oftentimes, people who are into scat need to go to that level that they themselves consider extreme, in order to be humiliated and have that desire fulfilled,” Engle says.For others people with a scat fetish, the taboo of playing with poop taps into childhood lessons about sex and hygiene, or even deeper religious messages about sex, virginity, and purity. “Some people who are into this will be inverting messages that were taught to them in childhood about sex somehow sullying you, or making you unworthy,” Engle explains. “By doing this thing that’s thought of as dirty, or disgusting, but seeing that your partners still desire you in that state … can actually be very powerful and fulfilling for some people.”To better understand what it is about scat that people enjoy, we spoke to three people with different relationships to this fetish:• Slavid (link NSFW), a 35-year-old Italian man living in London, who works in the soccer industry and is open about his fetish Advertisement – Continue Reading Below • Ellie, a 27-year-old sex worker and photographer (link NSFW) who has worked closely with people who are into scat • Jodie*, a 33-year-old woman with an interest in scat.*Name has been changed to allow subject to speak freely on private matters.When did you first develop an interest in scat?Jodie: I grew up in a strict Catholic family. Anything to do with sex was extremely taboo and carried a lot of shame. There was always this narrative about purity, about cleanliness. And sex made you dirty in a way that lasted forever.I guess I rebelled against this in my early 20s, got into the kink scene, and started going to fetish nights. A partner suggested scat play—he wanted me to poop on him while we were in the bathtub—and in a way, it didn’t seem that shocking to me, maybe because I’d grown up with this warped view that sex in general is disgusting. We tried a few other things: one time he used poop to finger paint on me, spreading it around on my arms at first and then writing PIG in big letters on my chest. It evolved into a role play, him saying I was disgusting and foul, but of course I knew there was a big fantasy element and he didn’t mean those words—even though other people who don’t understand our interest in scat might have really thought those things.Advertisement – Continue Reading Below Slavid: I was introduced to it by one of my play partners. It was her first experience, too. We both had interest in humiliation, food sploshing, and force-feeding, so one day she proposed that I eat a poo sandwich on our next session. I accepted it as humiliation and a challenge for myself, so it happened. It was horrible to swallow, but the feeling of being so humiliated, her smile, and her satisfied gaze made me fall in love with this fetish.Ellie: Having been exploring watersports and sadomasochism for several years, I was drawn to extremities and pushing the boundaries of experience, both physically and mentally. Scat was always the next step up. Pushing my own boundaries when it comes to sex and kink has always been an interest of mine. Getting into scat was a slow process, I should add; […]
Bangbros star Alexis Andrews PAWG spreads her big cheeks and shits into lesbians mouth and they swallow it and eat it!!! Violet Myers and Odell Beckham Jr and Alexis Andrews scat fetish!!! Alexis Andrews Talks with Captain JackI was introduced to Alexis and she’s a very pleasant woman. Then I saw some pictures and–BAM!–I had to interview this girl! She is something special and has the body parts to prove it! She lives in Florida but gets out to LA when she can. Enjoy getting to know this beauty!Captain Jack: Tell me about Alexis Andrews.Alexis Andrews: I grew up in Florida. My family didn’t have much and I went to public school and I lived a normal life with my mother and dad and brother and sister. I got into a lot of trouble growing up. I was a runaway, promiscuous, all those things. I was a dropout. All these other pornstars have college degrees and stuff but I actually made it from being a dropout! (laughs)CJ: How old are you?Alexis: I’m 32.CJ: How long have you been shooting?Alexis: For 2 years now.CJ: Do you mostly stay in Florida?Alexis: I’m about to fly out to LA to shoot with a few different companies. I actually just got an agent; I used to be independent.CJ: When I was introduced to you on Twitter, they called you a PAWG. Just how big is that booty?Alexis: It’s 48”.CJ: You also have a nice front end. How big are your tits?Alexis: They are 36D.CJ: Natural?Alexis: No, they’re enhanced.CJ: Why did you get them enlarged?Alexis: Because I always wanted boobs and I knew it was like a status symbol. It’s like getting a Ferrari for girls! (laughs)CJ: When did you lose your virginity?Alexis: Oh my God, I was about 12! I was just a bad girl. I was sexually explorative growing up. I remember being sexual growing up really early on and then just continued to be promiscuous throughout my life.CJ: A couple of times you said you were promiscuous, do you have a count of how many guys you were with before porn?Alexis: Do you want me to make an estimate? (laughs) It’s too many to count. I have no idea!CJ: Were you with girls before porn?Alexis: Oh yeah. I’ve been with many girls. Now girls I could probably count. Probably 100 girls in my lifetime.CJ: You were an escort, were you a stripper or did you do any other sex work?Alexis: I danced for about 5-6 years. And I actually found porn through a Craig’s List ad. I was always on Craig’s List under talent looking for odd modeling jobs and I came across and ad that said, ‘Be in a porn video!’ It happened to be Score Group and I knew nothing about porn or Score or anything. To this day, that’s the biggest company I ever shot for. It was crazy but that’s what happened. They flew me out and loved my look. I think a girl had cancelled and got me at the last minute. Literally, the next day, they flew me out and I had never done porn. They didn’t believe a word I said. And I shot with J.Mac! I had no idea who he was and he’s a celebrity! I didn’t know who he was until after the shoot.CJ: So what was your first scene like? You were sexually experienced but it’s different with all these people around. Were you intimidated? Nervous? Turned on?Alexis: J. Mac is like the most suave performer I’ve ever been with. He makes sex feel like actual sex when you’re filming a porno. He turns you on, it’s not robotic with him. It was awesome. I was a little nervous because I didn’t realize how’d I look from every angle. But I was fine after they showed me and I calmed down. I couldn’t be nervous because it would show on camera. That’s what you have to do; you have to forget the cameras are there.CJ: What’s your favorite position?Alexis: Doggie style!CJ: You’re 32. Do you prefer working with younger guys or older guys?Alexis: I love younger guy, I don’t know why. It’s been that way since I was a kid, I’ve always liked young boys. I don’t know what it. They’re just so amazing; you’re like a God to them! (laughs)CJ: What do you like sexually? What gets Alexis wet?Alexis: I love being fingered. I love being forced to do things. I love being talked ditty to. I like to be talked down to.CJ: So I take it you’re more submissive than dominant?Alexis: You know what, I love to be dominant too. I’m a switch. I want to be dominant to girls and subservient to guys. But it turns me on to be dominated. Certain guys can do it for me but, other guys, I’m like, ‘No, let me dominate you!’ (laughs)CJ: Have you ever pegged a guy or anything like that?Alexis: I’ve met 3 guys since I started in the industry that are really into it. They have to go through a whole process to do it.CJ: Would you be willing to work with a TS girl?Alexis: YES! I’ve always wanted to! That would be really cool! That would be a dream!CJ: How often do you masturbate?Alexis: Oh my God. I masturbate every day! Because I get so bored. I eat and then I’m like, ‘Let me masturbate really quick!’ It’s not even that girls are horny; we’re just bored!CJ: Favorite method?Alexis: I like to use a vibrator and a dildo at the same time. Any kind of vibrator as long as it’s really powerful!CJ: Did you watch porn before you got into the industry?Alexis: No, not really. The porn I watched was really weird and off-the radar. I didn’t know anybody honestly.CJ: When a guy pops, where do you prefer it?Alexis: Pornwise, facials, but in real life, I prefer a creampie or on my breasts.CJ: Are you a swallower?Alexis: No. (laughs)CJ: Are you a size queen? Do you like huge cocks?Alexis: Yes, I love huge cocks.CJ: Are you going to do anal on camera?Alexis: I am! I just have to train myself. Right now, it’s not happening because it hurts! I need to graduated to really doing something special with my ass. (laughs)CJ: I take it you don’t do anal in your personal life?Alexis: No, […]