Crowd Fund
(You get a free movie for crowd funding including the film when its completed!!!)
These are the last two crowd fund movies that were produced by you!!!

(The next film has been voted on and decided to be a 3-4 girl domination scene. Please consider crowd funding today!!!)
Scathunter is dying please consider helping us stay alive and produce more content if you like the big booty scat porn we produce!!!
Hey all just an update on the Crowd Fund. The first two were very successful and we ended up producing an absolutely banger and hot film, “Animal Instinks”…So pat yourselves on the back for that one! We’re not always going to get 5 star films on every shoot but that’s why we keep on. This funding round is moving at a grueling pace though and I just wanted to remind everyone that for every movie moving forward it’s going to be the same situation where we need to recoup about 25% of the cost up front in order to make sure I’m not losing money on these films or doing them for free lol. Im not a solo act where I can absorb piracy easily by just creating new content. The content I produce cost lots of money Some of them cost as much as 10k. So it’s very important we collect these crowd funds. We have had in the past crowd funds a couple of strong donors as well which we dont have this crowd fund. I hate to be a nuisance and bother y’all but this is just reality. We either gonna get it done or not. If we don’t succeed, same deal as explained. Every person who contributed, will get the entire Scathunter library. If we make it happen? Well then you get the movie almost half off plus a free movie just for the contribution. I still have faith in this and all of you to make this happen! Let’s produce something epic together 💪🏼🤘🏼😈💩🎥🎞️
FYI we are at about 11%…we need to recoup 25%. Also if you want to donate more then the crowd fund buying movies already produced gets it done and helps the cause as well!! Thank you all for keeping this thing going and the big butt scat dream alive your all incredible people!!!
The New Movie starring Alexis Andrews is now out! if you have still not received it please contact Evelyn!